Reasons Dads Get Divorced

Understanding How to Approach the End of Your Marriage
When you got married, you probably expected to be with your spouse for the rest of your life. Having kids together may have made that seem even more likely, since the two of you now have a permanent bond as parents. Unfortunately, a relationship can break down at any point in a marriage, and divorce may enter the picture for a variety of reasons. When dealing with your ex, you'll want to understand what you can do to get through your divorce and prepare yourself for success as a single dad. The best approach to take during the divorce process can be different depending on why your marriage is ending, including for one of the following reasons:
Money Issues
Disagreements over how to handle finances are often a primary stress point in a couple's relationship. One spouse may believe in limiting expenses and saving money for a rainy day, while the other prefers to spend money or use credit cards to buy new things. Even if a couple is able to compromise on these issues, ongoing disagreements about money can become more and more difficult to resolve, and they will probably only intensify after a couple has children.
If your marriage is ending because of disagreements about your finances, you'll want to take steps to protect yourself during your divorce. You should be sure to have a full understanding of the income you and your spouse earn, the assets you own, and the debts you owe. This will allow you to divide your marital property in a way that provides for your ongoing needs, while also making sure child support obligations are calculated correctly.
An extramarital affair will often lead to the end of a marriage, or it may occur because a couple's relationship has already broken down, leading one spouse to look for support outside of the marriage. In some cases, it may be possible for a couple to reconcile following an affair, but in others, the damage done to the marriage will be irreparable.
One thing to note about infidelity is that it will typically not play a large role in the decisions made during divorce. In some states, infidelity may be the grounds cited when filing a petition for divorce, but in many cases, this will not be necessary. Adultery or other forms of marital misconduct will usually not be considered when addressing issues such as property division or spousal support, unless a spouse dissipated or wasted marital assets while having an affair.
Mental Health Issues, Addictions, and Abuse
While mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder can cause difficulty in a relationship, they can usually be treated effectively, and spouses can work together to overcome these issues. However, if a person refuses to get the treatment they need, this can damage the relationship to the point that divorce is the best option. Addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, work, or gambling often go hand in hand with mental health concerns, and a person may also become abusive. In these cases, the other spouse may need to take legal action to protect the safety of themselves and their children.
Parenting Disagreements
Married couples with children may not agree about a wide variety of issues related to their children. These may include acceptable methods of discipline, what activities children will participate in, where they will go to school, or which parent will be responsible for different forms of child care. When these disagreements put strain on a marriage, divorce may be the best option, allowing each parent to establish a separate household where they can follow their preferences for parenting.
Relationship Breakdown
Even if the issues above have not played a large role in your marriage, you may be getting divorced simply because your relationship has broken down beyond repair. This may be because of a lack of communication, an imbalance in control, unrealistic expectations about the marriage, or a wide variety of other reasons. Fortunately, divorce can ultimately be a positive change, allowing you to leave an unhappy relationship and move on with your life.
Regardless of the reason why your marriage is ending, you will want to work with an experienced family law attorney throughout the divorce process. Your lawyer can make sure you understand your rights and the steps you will need to follow, and they can provide you with legal representation to help you resolve any disputes and reach a positive resolution that will meet your needs going forward.