
How Do I Know if I’m Ready to Start Dating After My Divorce?

 Posted on July 23,2020 in Single Dad Survival

Dating tips for single fathersWhen you get divorced, you may have been ready to move on from your marriage for some time, or you may still be reeling from the changes you’ve experienced in your life. Whether you’ve taken some time to reorient yourself or are still adapting to your new normal, you may be wondering when you should start looking for a new partner. But how do you really know when you’re ready to begin a new relationship, and what steps should you follow as you begin dating again after your divorce?

What Do I Need to Consider as I Get Ready for Dating?

You may not relish the prospect of re-entering the dating scene, but you will probably be looking to find a new romantic partner at some point. Building a new relationship can take work, but it can provide many benefits, especially when you’re able to find the right person who you love spending time with and you can rely on to be there for you. 

Unfortunately, the desire to be in a loving, committed relationship might lead you down the wrong path. By making sure you are ready before you begin dating, you can help avoid some of the issues that may have led to the breakdown of your marriage. It is a good idea to take some time to think about what did and didn’t work in your previous relationship(s) and what you want and need in a new partner. 

While personal reflection can be helpful, you may also want to consider speaking to a therapist to work through some of the emotions you are feeling after your divorce and address your mental health. This can help you make sure you are in a healthy place and are ready to begin the search for a new partner. It can also help you identify some issues that you may need to work on in a relationship, which will allow you to avoid repeating any mistakes you made in the past.

Dating on its own can be complicated enough, but it can be even more tricky when you are a parent. You will need to consider your kids’ feelings about a potential new relationship and make sure you will be able to continue to put time and effort into being the best parent you can. You should also make sure to avoid introducing them to a new partner too soon. The last thing you want is to have a revolving door of dating partners coming into and out of their lives. 

An Additional Complication: Dating During COVID-19

To make matters even more complicated and confusing, the coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed how we go about dating and the kinds of contact we can have with other people. To avoid the risks of infection, getting together in person with a potential new partner may not be feasible. While you may initially meet someone through a dating app, and you may be able to build a relationship by speaking over the phone, using videoconferencing software, or coming up with other solutions for spending time together remotely, you may have to wait several months until you are able to finally make physical contact. If the prospect of a virtual relationship is not appealing, it might be best to put your dating plans on hold for the near future.

Getting Legal Help When Needed

If your divorce has not yet been finalized when you start dating again, or if your ex-spouse objects to the idea of you bringing a new person into your children’s lives, you may need to address these matters from a legal standpoint. A skilled family law attorney can help you understand the steps you can take to address legal issues related to your divorce or your child custody agreement, allowing you to focus on building a positive relationship and being a great parent to your kids.


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