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How Does Divorce Impact Men?

 Posted on June 23, 2023 in Divorce Issues

how divorce can affect men and fathersThere is no doubt that going through a divorce is a life-altering event that can have a significant impact on both men and women. While there are many resources that discuss the difficulties that women go through, there have historically been fewer resources for men. However, men will face many of the same emotional and financial concerns, and they may feel that they have less support from others. If you are going through a divorce, the following are some of the difficulties that you may be dealing with as you work to end your marriage and move forward into the next stage of your life:

Emotional Impact

Even if you are the spouse that wanted the divorce and filed a petition to dissolve your marriage, the end of a relationship that you once thought would be permanent can cause you to experience waves of intense emotions. It is not uncommon to deal with feelings of anger, betrayal, grief, and sadness. You may experience a sense of loss as you process the emotional challenges that come with ending your marriage. You may also need to deal with stress related to major changes in your life, and you may face trepidation as you consider an uncertain future.

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What Are Some of the Concerns Faced by Single Fathers?

 Posted on May 25, 2023 in Single Dad Survival

divorce lawyer for fathers Single fathers face a unique set of challenges and concerns that can significantly impact their lives and their ability to raise their children effectively. As society evolves and traditional gender roles are redefined, more men are taking on the role of primary caregivers, either by choice or due to circumstances such as divorce, separation, or the death of a partner. The following are some of the concerns commonly faced by single fathers. If you have more specific concerns regarding fathers’ rights and parenting, contact Dad's Divorce.  

Emotional Support

Single fathers may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. The lack of a partner to share the emotional burden and provide support can be overwhelming. It is essential for single dads to seek emotional support through friends, family, or support groups specifically designed for single parents.

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How Dads and Kids Alike Can Benefit from Virtual Visitation

 Posted on April 28, 2023 in Child Custody and Visitation

father's divorce lawyerIn recent years, the term “visitation” has largely been replaced with the term “parenting time.” This is due, in no small part, because the concept of visitation is almost always misleading and vaguely insulting to hard-working parents who are invested in their children’s well-being. Simply because a parent does not get to reside with their child as often as their co-parent might does not mean that their relationship with their child has been reduced to visitor status. Countless adults who cannot be with their children every day are stellar parents, both when they are face-to-face with their children and when they are not.

Yet, there is one beneficial area of the American co-parenting experience that has been labeled as a form of “visitation” in a way that is not degrading. Likely because the alliteration of the term makes it easy to remember, the concept of “virtual visitation” is proving to be beneficial for millions of families across the country.

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Why Dads Should Stay Off of Social Media During a Divorce

 Posted on March 29, 2023 in Divorce Issues

fathers rights attorneyIf you are like many people who update friends and family through social media, you may want to reconsider that if you are going through a divorce. You are probably aware that what you say on the internet is seen by many people. What you post or write is automatically captured, and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can potentially use it against you during divorce. If you use social media during your divorce, here are some tips to help you protect yourself.

Digital Age Precautions

Social media can complicate a divorce in the blink of an eye. In this digital age, what we say and post will live forever online. Be careful not to give your spouse any ammunition. These are some tips in case you remain active on social media while divorce proceedings are underway:

  • Take precautions and change your passwords on everything from email to social media accounts. This will ensure that you maintain your privacy during the divorce. The last thing you want is for your spouse to get the upper hand from any email communications or to post something inappropriate while pretending to be you.

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Should I Tell a Judge About My Wife’s Abusive Behavior? 

 Posted on February 22, 2023 in Family Law

Family Law Attorney for DadsWhile most people are aware of the dangers that domestic violence poses to women across the United States, fewer people know how serious and common domestic abuse against men is as well. Men tend to talk less about their abusers, especially when the abuser is their wife, because it can feel emasculating. Worse, research shows that the people men should be able to rely on for help in abusive situations, such as police and social workers, tend to take domestic abuse against men less seriously than the same abuse against women. But no matter who the target is, intimate partner violence is a dangerous tragedy that poses serious risks both to the victim and to his children. If you are getting divorced, here are some good reasons to let a judge know if your wife is abusing you. 

Protect Your Child

Rarely do abusive partners refrain from abusing their children as well. If your wife has hit you, slapped you, demeaned you, or publicly humiliated you, chances are that she will one day do it to your child, even if she has not yet. Furthermore, research suggests that abusers tend to escalate their behavior when their victims try to leave, which means your child could be at particular risk of being victimized when you file for divorce. Give the judge the information he or she needs to keep your child safe by being open about any abuse you or your child have suffered at the hands of your wife. 

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I Want to Get Divorced, But I Am Afraid of Hurting My Kids

 Posted on January 31, 2023 in Family Law

Fathers Rights LawyerFathers of young children who are unhappily married often stay together for many years longer than they would otherwise because they are afraid of hurting their children. Fears that the child may grow up to have depression and anxiety, to suffer at school, or, worse, to get involved in drugs and alcohol or struggle with juvenile delinquency are all legitimate; research shows that children of divorced parents are at heightened risk of these behaviors. 

However, research also shows that fathers can mitigate the negative impacts of divorce by carefully managing the divorce in a way that protects the kids from its most damaging elements. This means that, when done right, you can get out of an unhappy marriage and protect your kids’ best interests. 

Parents Have a Lower Impact on Children’s Future Personalities than Previously Thought

While there is no question that parental behavior can shape a child’s attitude and general happiness level at any given moment, research also shows that children’s fundamental personalities seem to be dictated more by genetics than by environment. Adopted children are more like their biological parents than their adoptive parents, and identical twins raised separately are more alike than not. 

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Can My Spouse Legally Hide Assets During Divorce? 

 Posted on December 08, 2022 in Divorce Issues

Hidden Assets Divorce LawyerAll divorcing spouses must come to an agreement as to how they will divide their marital estate. For some spouses, this is simple and straightforward; for others, it is a long, complicated process. Over the years, women have gotten a reputation for being most frequently wronged by malicious behaviors on the part of their husbands during asset division. However, as more and more women outearn men in the workforce, the exact same motivations that drive men to hide assets from their wives are applicable when it comes to wives hiding assets from their husbands. Some spouses do it to reduce the amount of the marital estate they have to divide; other spouses do it to reduce child or spousal support payments. 

If you are a father getting divorced, it is important not to underestimate the chances of your wife attempting to hide assets from you. You deserve the full share of assets to which you are entitled under the law, and a divorce attorney in your state can help you make sure that you get it. 

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Do Dads Always Have to Pay Child Support After a Divorce? 

 Posted on November 30, 2022 in Child Support

Child Support LawyerOne of the most common misconceptions about divorce or paternity cases is that, no matter the circumstances, it is always the father who ends up paying the mother child support. However, things are often more complicated than this, and in many states, the laws have been recently updated to give dads a greater chance of involvement in their child’s life. These laws also balance the support obligations between both parents and make it more likely that a father will be able to play at least an equal role as the mother in every aspect of the child’s life. 

In fact, more dads than ever now are what are called “custodial fathers.” This may sound like an impersonal technical term, but a custodial father is a man who has the primary responsibility of raising his children - sometimes even without the help of the mother. Custodial fathers are actually highly likely to receive child support from their child’s other parent, especially if they have custody of the child more than half of the time. 

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Five Ways to Protect Your Finances in a Divorce

 Posted on October 31, 2022 in Divorce Issues

Divorce is rarely cheap, but fathers often have to bear the brunt of the cost as they make alimony and child support payments and sometimes even pay for their spouse’s attorney. Making things worse, fathers are often the ones who move out of the house during divorce, meaning they may have to go through the divorce process without seeing their children regularly. 

divorce lawyer for fathersAlthough some financial difficulties of divorce are hard to avoid, there are certain steps that experts recommend that could help you manage your finances more easily. If you can implement any of these, you may just be able to make your divorce your doable. 

Know Your Full Financial Picture

Although some couples feel painfully aware of how little they have, others may not be fully cognizant of their total financial picture. This is a mistake because you cannot fight for your fair share of marital assets if you are not sure what they are. You should know the balances of any savings accounts, retirement accounts, or credit card bills, as well as whether any tax refund is likely in the upcoming year. If you have a prenuptial agreement detailing your property in a divorce, review it now. 

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How Can I Visit My Kids if I Live in Another State? 

 Posted on September 30, 2022 in Child Custody and Visitation

dad's divorce lawyerOne of the most significant challenges following divorce is adjusting to life in two single-parent homes. For children, this can be a particularly hard transition, especially if movement between parents is chaotic and unpredictable. For fathers, it can be a time filled with conflict, uncertainty, and the fear that spending less time with your children may result in a more distant relationship. 

For fathers who live in a different state than their children, this fear can be particularly acute. You may not be able to afford to transport the children between their other parent’s home and your own as frequently as you would like. You may find it difficult to talk to them on the phone, especially if their other parent tries to prevent electronic communication. Fortunately, even if your children move to another state, you can still ask a court to instate a visitation order that allows you to maintain a warm, close relationship with your children. 

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